Reports and Products
General Plan
**New: Final General Plan documents adopted April 4, 2023
The following documents were published on 4/10/2023 as adopted by City Council on April 4, 2023.
Full General Plan The file size is large (124MB) and may take extra time to load.
Previous Documents
City Council Hearing Draft General Plan - April 4, 2023 (published 3/29/2023)
Full General Plan The file size is large (128MB) and may take extra time to load.
City Council Study Session Draft General Plan - February 15, 2023 (published 2/14/2023)
Full General Plan The file size is large (91MB) and may take extra time to load.
Planning Commission Draft General Plan - January 10, 2023 (published 12/16/2022)
Full General Plan The file size is large (90MB) and may take extra time to load.
Public Review Draft (published 9/2/2022)
Draft General Plan The file size is large (125 MB) and may take extra time to load.
Environmental Impact Report
Final EIR (published 12/20/2022)
Draft EIR (published 9/2/2022)
Previous Documents
Housing Element
Final Carson 2021-2029 Housing Element with HCD approved changes (published 11/2022)
Draft Negative Declaration and Initial Study for the Housing Element (published 11/29/2021)
Notice of Intent to Adopt Negative Declaration for the Housing Element (published 11/29/2021)
Previous Documents
Adopted Carson 2021-2029 Housing Element (adopted 9/6/2022) The file size is large (170 MB) and may take extra time to load
Carson 2021-2029 Housing Element Hearing Draft (published 1/2022) The file size is large (281 MB) and may take extra time to load
Carson 2021-2029 Housing Element Hearing Draft with Redlines (published 1/2022) The file size is large (281 MB) and may take extra time to load
Draft Carson 2021-2029 Housing Element (published 9/2021)
Other Reports and Products
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